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5th Anniversary of ICTU’s establishment – ‘Safe Community Fun Day’
In the run-up to its 5th anniversary, the Inter-departmental Counter Terrorism Unit will organise a ‘Safe Community Fun Day’ at the Hong Kong Science Park on April 29 (Saturday) between 11 a.m. and 5 p.m..
There will be interactive booths, virtual reality and augmented reality games, flight simulation, instant photo booth, e-Dodgeball, Bishi Bashi game as well as emergency preparedness demonstration, jointly organised by the six member departments, aiming to share joy with the public and further promote CT and safety messages.
Admission is free to facilitate participation of the public, in particular the youth. Free shuttle bus services will be arranged from and to the University Station (departure time at University Station: 10:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.). Participants who complete the ‘Safe Community’ mission will also be rewarded with a gift set.
Looking forward to your participation!